Libra Esva completes its first full dozen VBSpam+ awards

vbspam-plus-0315Libra Esva email security solution has win another VBSpam+ certification from Virus Bulletin, a leading security industry test.
Another goal, another good work for LibraEsva and his special engine.
After many years of testing, with a last Spam Catch Rate of 99,95% and zero false positives, Libra Esva won its 12th VBSpam+ award!.

In the last test in March LibraEsva has completed with second final score. The test, as usual, is consisted in a massive delivery of e-mail (136.904 total, 126.046 spam) and LibraEsva has missed only 68 spam emails and to that only two blocked newsletters, one from United States and one from Belgium.

Martijn Grooten, author of the Virus Bulletin Anti-spam comparative review stated that:

“Libra Esva missed 68 spam emails in this test […] Add to that only two blocked newsletters – one from the US and one from Belgium – and with a second highest final score, Libra Esva completes its first full dozen VBSpam+ awards.”



Good result and good motivation for going ahead in the ranking of this appointment with Virus Bullettin Antispam.

Read the full comparative review here or PDF version.