Casa Vinicola Zonin and Libra ESVA: italian quality

Casa Vinicola Zonin, one of the most famous italian wine-producing companies andzonin also one of the foremost worlwide, choseLibra ESVA to protect more than 250+ email users from spam,virus, phishing, malware and other security threats.

Libra ESVA replaced the existing antispam product, as performances were not as expected, thought maintenance costs to always have an up to date solution. Since the first setup Libra ESVA demonstrated exceptional spam filtering capabilities, cutting down maintenance costs.

With Libra ESVA I was able to protect and maximize my VMware investment! The integration with our Lotus Notes was straight forward and saved a lot of time consuming configuration tasks!

With the previous antispam solution Casa Vinicola Zonin was experiencing a lot of false positives every day and the spam catch rate was not at the top.

Davide d’Acunzo ends with:

Beyond the impressive efficacy of Libra Esva, i want to mention the professional skills and real-time support received from Libra Esva team during the product startup, as an international value to the italian brand!