Libraesva ESG v4.9 Release Notes


Computing Security Awards: Libraesva ESG is the Best Email Security and Anti-Phishing solution of 2020!


Libraesva ESG has received the 2020 Computing Security Awards for Best Email Security and Best Anti-Phishing Solution of the Year by Computing Security Magazine. The Computing Security Awards are dedicated to the leading cyber security companies and took place virtually on the 10th of December 2020 from the Computing Security Awards website.

We are incredibly grateful to our customers and partners that voted for Libraesva in these awards and for using our solutions every day. We are proud to have won these awards, beating large international brands, and proving that our products and vision are perfectly placed for any of our customers.

We would like to thank our distributors, channel partners and customers for their continued trust in us and who recognise our strong commitment to protecting businesses against even the most recent cyber threats out in the world.

Despite the difficulties faced by all of our partners we would like to recognise and acknowledge their ongoing efforts and look forward to continuing this through to 2021.



Al via la partnership tra il distributore ferrarese e Libraesva, insieme per la tutela dei dati aziendali scambiati via email


Libraesva possiede le peculiarità fondamentali che selezioniamo nella ricerca di un vendor: l’indiscussa e riconosciuta leadership tecnologica, la capacità di visione e una costante ricerca proiettata all’innovazione. A queste, si aggiunge la capacità di saper trasferire correttamente al mercato le proprie soluzioni, adottando strategie di sviluppo commerciale che mettono in primo piano il ruolo del canale indiretto“.

Esordisce così Federico Marini, Managing Director di ICOS, quando annuncia al canale l’accordo che prevede la distribuzione sull’intero territorio italiano dei prodotti Libraesva e consente di arricchire l’offerta della divisione di Cybersecurity, offrendo ai clienti la sicurezza dei messaggi di posta, business continuity e compliance.

Dall’altra parte, Paolo Frizzi, CEO di Libraesva, ha commentato: «Siamo felici di essere parte del progetto di ICOS, nella certezza che il distributore sarà in grado, come sta già dimostrando, di proseguire con gli ambiziosi piani di crescita nella sicurezza».

Libraesva ESG v4.8 Release Notes


Libraesva annuncia accordo con Westcon-Comstor a tutela dei dati aziendali scambiati via email contro le minacce informatiche


Libraesva annuncia la firma di un nuovo accordo di distribuzione con Westcon-Comstor, società leader della distribuzione globale di tecnologie, volta a consentire ad aziende di ogni dimensione di affrontare lo scenario attuale delle minacce informatiche, in costante evoluzione e mutazione, grazie a soluzioni di protezione efficaci e tecnologicamente avanzate.

Nei termini dell’accordo, la distribuzione sull’intero territorio italiano della gamma di prodotti e servizi di email security e di email archiving di ultima generazione di Libraesva, già ampiamente riconosciuta su scala nazionale ed internazionale.

Westcon-Comstor, leader della distribuzione globale presente in oltre 70 Paesi per un fatturato annuo che supera i 3 miliardi di dollari, offre valore aggiunto e opportunità di business mettendo in contatto i principali fornitori IT del mondo con un canale di rivenditori di tecnologia, integratori di sistemi e fornitori di servizi.

Con la sigla ufficializzata oggi, Westcon-Comstor amplia la propria offerta di prodotti e servizi in ambito email security e Libraesva si avvicina maggiormente alle aziende, fornendo loro le sue soluzioni di sicurezza informatica Email Security Gateway, Email Load Balancer e Email Archiver per prevenire le minacce del cyber-crime.

La protezione dei dati trasmessi tramite email è una questione di crescente importanza per le aziende. La collaborazione con Libraesva ci consente di aggiungere alla nostra già ampia offerta di prodotti e vendor di security, soluzioni avanzate di sicurezza per la posta elettronica aziendale“, ha dichiarato Maurizio Lavagna Westcon Managing Director Italy, Adriatics & Eastern Europe.

Paolo Frizzi, CEO di Libraesva commenta come “L’email rappresenta ancora oggi il canale di comunicazione digitale più in uso nel business. E’ anche l’ambiente privilegiato dai criminali informatici per perpetrare minacce con forme e modalità di attacco sempre nuove a discapito delle aziende e dei loro reparti IT. E’ fondamentale estendere la disponibilità di adeguati sistemi di protezione e prevenzione e la loro accessibilità. Siamo lieti di poter contare su un Partner di comprovata esperienza quale è Westcon per garantire una protezione puntuale nel tempo alle aziende e alle comunicazioni trasmesse a livello enterprise, certi che la nostra collaborazione saprà porsi a supporto di quanti sono chiamati ad affrontare quotidianamente l’importante sfida della sicurezza”.

Libraesva and Cofense™

We have the Best Email Security Gateway!

We proudly announce that we have won the award of “Best Email Security Solution of 2019” at the Computing Security Awards!

Many things have changed since 2014, the first time we have been named winning: we had Libra ESVA – Email Security Virtual Appliance, a very efficient antispam; nowadays we have the Best Email Security Gateway that protects your business, detecting all types of cyber threats and attacks spread via email, not just spam!

You are our success and we would like to thank you and all our supporters for voting Libraesva ESG!


Vote for us in the 2019 Computing Security Awards!

We’re delighted to announce we are finalists for 2 categories in this year’s Computing Security Awards, the industry’s most coveted awards! The categories we are shortlisted in are:

  • Best Email Security Solution of the Year
  • Best Anti-Phishing Solution of the Year

The winners of the Computing Security Awards are decided by public vote, with voting now open!

More than one vote per company is accepted so please share this with your colleagues and friends!

Voting closes on the 8th October 2019!

4th Libraesva Partner Summit

The 4th Libraesva Partner Summit, occured on May 24th 2019 at Cà del Bosco vineyard, was a great success!

It was a unique opportunity to meet our team, deepen knowledge of Email Security and Email archiving solutions, and discuss with our technology partners, Palo Alto Networks and Cofense.

A result achieved thanks to our partners participation and loyalty in our project.

Libraesva would like to thank all the participants and those people who collaborated to the success of the event!



New distribution contract signed by the leading Italian company with Blue Solutions Ltd, the UK company specialized in the MSP channel, to protect the safety of business data exchanged via e-mail.


Milan/London, 11 April 2019 – The email security landscape confirms for 2019 an increase and diversification of cyber-attacks and infections caused by malware and ransomware in particular, with threats aimed at reaching users increasingly on their mobile devices. Dealing with this scenario, and extending the effectiveness of solutions designed to protect the security of corporate communications and businesses is the aim of Libraesva – a leading company in the field of email security – that today announces the signing of a new distribution agreement with Blue Solutions Ltd for the British and Irish markets.


Blue Solutions Ltd is a leading value-added security software distributor that has been successfully connecting IT channel partners to profitable Cyber-Security, Backup, Disaster Recovery and ITSM solutions that address end-customers’ critical needs, since 2000. It is unique for its extensive technical expertise, vendor-accredited personnel, Professional Services capability and service provider (MSP) focus – plus its no-commit, PAYG contracts, flexible billing, and easy online management tools.


Thanks to the new partnership, which provides for the distribution of Libraesva solutions in the British and Irish markets, the Italian company will strengthen its presence in this additional European market, where Libraesva foresees far-reaching market development opportunities.


Through Blue Solutions Ltd, Libraesva’s suite of proprietary services and technologies – including the Email Security Gateway, the Email Load Balancer and the Email Archiver – is now within the reach of companies based and operating in these two English-speaking countries, enabling the successful delivery of advanced and certified information security and cybercrime prevention.


The collaboration with Libraesva puts a real edge on the risk, compliance and GDPR-focused products and services we offer to British and Irish businesses, who need effective, economical, easy to manage solutions to deal daily with the issue of data protection for email that is sent across  different devices,” said Mark Charleton, Co-Owner of Blue Solutions.


Paolo Frizzi, CEO of Libraesva, comments as “Companies of every State and Nation are targeted by cybercriminals who, through the oldest and most widely used digital communication channel in existence, namely e-mail, aim to check the IT departments as well as the intellectual properties and sensitive data of entire communities of people, employees and managers. We are pleased to be able to count on Blue Solutions as a Partner to bring our solutions to the attention of those who still rely on systems that have gaps unable to guarantee due protection over time to the enterprise environment.